Fun Utah Facts

The name Utah comes from the Native American Ute Tribe and means people of the mountain. Utah has five national parks: Arches, Canyonlands, Zion, Bryce and Capitol Reef. Utah has seven national monuments: Cedar Breaks, Natural Bridges, Dinosaur, Rainbow Bridge, Grand Staircase-Escalante, Timpanogos Cave and Hovenweep. Utah has six national forests: Ashley, Dixie, Fishlake, Manti-Lasal, Uinta, and Wasatch-Cache. Utah has two national recreational areas: Flaming Gorge and Glen Canyon. Utah covers 84,900 square miles of land and is ranked 11th largest state. The Great Salt Lake, which is about 75 miles long and 35 miles wide, covers more than a million acres. Of the 50 states, Utah has the youngest population; one of the highest birth rates; the second lowest death rate; the heathiest population; the hightest literacy rate; the highest percent of high school graduates; and the highest number of people with a college education.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

So... About the Bears

The first thing the rangers station peoples asked was were did I live, then shoved a bunch of info on black bears into my hands. You live in bear country I was informed and the activity was heavy this year. They are closing camp grounds and watching dumpsters. I need to be Bear aware ! My next stop that morning was to the Welcome center in town and the gal informs me right away that there are two black bears and a cougar that live on Tabby Junction. Tabby Junction ! Thats where we live, three miles up the mountain. We were neighboors and I learned alot more about our area that day. This all had meaning to me. My Pa had struck the bear fear into me January of 2007 when we bought the place. The president of our HOA only validated my fears may of that same year. There was a black bear attack on our roads he tells us all, a front end loader was workin on the roads when a bear attacked and he had to use the bucket to defend himself. He will not come back to our area.
Well, I am a walker (wannabe) jogger. You need to pack a pistol many people have said. It just seems a bit ironic that after many years (16) of walking/jogging the mean streets of Kearns I need to carry heat on the peaceful lanes of Fruitland. I have settled on a whistle and pepper spray and I make A-LOT of noise singing out loud. Poor Bears!

Note: The chance of surviving a bear attack is very, very good. No Quotes on this - but there has only been 1 death from a black bear in Utah. This was a child back in 2007 when all the bear scare was goin on. The chance of surviving a Cougar attack are not so good!


  1. Man you are one brave sistah!! Now you know that mom and I are gonna be worried about you. If you haven't already, go check out mom's blog. She made her first post and it's awesome.

  2. Yeah, I get freaked out up there when you tell me you are going to take the kids on a nature hike, or that you are going walkin! Always thinking about the scary critters, be very careful..

  3. That is scary thinking about a bear attack, now if I could direct the bear to take a swipe at my problem area.... I might go for a walk with you!

